7 Different Forms of Documentation
Important note for those aiming for Excellence:
It is essential that you demonstrate that you have used efficient tools & techniques, this means:
Entity Relationship Diagrams
Entitiy Relationship Diagrams (ERD's) show the over all structure of the database and how the different fields connect together.
Here is an ERD for a Candy database Notice the ERD contains a display for ALL tables in the database. Also notice how the Tables are connected together We use single lines and Crows feet for different reasons Task: Create an ERD diagram for the School database
Make sure the teacher checks it to see if it is okay User Draw.io and look for Entity relationships under software. |
Which Way Around
Think of it this way: Green Arrow - A Colour may be used in many candy's Red Arrow - A Candy can only have one colour |
Table Templates
Query Templates
Query Templates are a little more complicated
For each query you have (this includes update, insert and delete) you need to fill out a query design form Each line is the data field, which table you want to get that information from, what the condition of that is and whether it is viewable or not. Task: Complete a query design for one of your queries in Microsoft Word |
Wire Frame Sketches
Wire frame sketches show the basic outline of the form you are going to create.
For a merit grade, you will need to create your wire frame sketches, then get feedback on them, and create new ones. This is part of iterative development In Draw.io Select Layout to get the basic wire frame template. Task 1: Finish off the diagram I have created on the right for the student form. Make it match the one that you created in Access. Task 2: Create a wireframe for a new user form. Do some research on other sign up/new user forms on websites for ideas on what inputs to have. |
Testing documentation
Code Commenting
Relevant Implications
When completing the assessment you will need to talk about why 4 implications are relevant to your database and how your database meets the implication.
Health and Safety, intellectual property are not a relevant implication, The most relevant implications are: Functionality, end-user considerations, privacy, legal, ethical, aesthetics. To be safe do the following: 1.) Explain the implication 2.) Explain why it is relevant 3.) Give an example of how your database meets the criteria |